Friday, September 30, 2005

Visions of the "American Dream"

"I came to America from Pakistan in search of a better life. I spend 10 hours a day in a small room with a big hot oven making slices of 99-cent cheap pizza. I want to buy a deli with some friends and be succesful. I believe in the American dream."

"Yo vine a America. Soy ilegal, no tengo papeles. Trabajo 11 horas al dia por menos del salario minimo pero esta bien, no mas, pues gano siete veces mas que en Puebla y mantengo a una familia de quince."

(Mexican immigrant, doesn’t speak English, doesn’t know about the American dream, will return to Mexico as soon as possible, or never)

"I was born in the ghetto. I got out of drugs and trouble and found a job as a doorman in the rich neighborhood next door. They treat me like shit. There's no American dream for black folks."

"I came to America from France. I'm staying a couple of years working here on a company's assignment but look forward to go back to my country. This is nice, but just not for me. I like France and don't really understand America."

"I am from Japan but live in New York. I don't know about America, never been there, but I love the Western style and the luxury I find in Madison Avenue. Also, there are many Japanese girls to chat with and go shopping. I like it here in Manhattan."

"I came to America from India escaping poverty. I got an education, a life. Now I am the CEO of one of the biggest companies in America. I am the American dream."

"I've lived in Kansas my whole life. I didn't go to college 'cause I got married and had three kids. My husband drives a truck coast-to-coast and I stay home. He treats me nice, never beats me. We bought a big house in a nice suburb, we'll own it in the year 2035, hopefully. We're saving for private school and college tuition and recently got a loan for buying an SUV. We've never been out of the state but would like to go to Disney World. We are the American dream."
